The PM Dhan Krishi Dhanya Yojana is a visionary program launched by the central government to revolutionize India’s agricultural sector. Announced by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman during the Union Budget 2025, the scheme aims to boost agricultural productivity, improve credit accessibility, and strengthen rural livelihoods across 100 districts identified as having low productivity, moderate crop intensity, and inadequate financial support.
PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana In Hindi: पीएम धन धान्य कृषि योजना क्या है?
केंद्र सरकार ने पीएम धन धान्य कृषि योजना की शुरुआत की है, जिसका उद्देश्य 100 कम उत्पादन वाले जिलों में कृषि क्षेत्र को सशक्त बनाना है। इस योजना की घोषणा वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण ने केंद्रीय बजट 2025 के दौरान की थी। यह योजना कृषि से जुड़ी मौजूदा योजनाओं के एकीकरण और विशेष उपायों के जरिए ग्रामीण समृद्धि बढ़ाने पर केंद्रित है।
PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana
Taking inspiration from the Aspirational Districts Program, the government plans to work closely with state administrations to introduce focused reforms in underdeveloped agricultural regions. The PM Dhan Dhanya Yojana will ensure that existing agricultural schemes are integrated with specialized interventions to maximize their impact.
“Our government, in collaboration with the states, will implement the PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana to improve farming conditions in districts that lag in productivity and credit access,” said Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman during the budget presentation.
पीएम धन धान्य कृषि योजना का उद्देश्य
इस योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य कृषि उत्पादन में सुधार, फसल विविधता को बढ़ावा देना, जल प्रबंधन को सशक्त करना और किसानों की आय में वृद्धि करना है। सरकार इस योजना के तहत निम्नलिखित महत्वपूर्ण बिंदुओं पर कार्य करेगी
✅ उन्नत कृषि तकनीकों और आधुनिक उपकरणों को अपनाना।
✅ फसल विविधीकरण को बढ़ावा देना, जिससे किसान पारंपरिक खेती के साथ दूसरी लाभदायक फसलों की खेती कर सकें।
✅ संग्रहण सुविधाओं का विकास, ताकि फसल की बर्बादी को कम किया जा सके।
✅ सिंचाई प्रणालियों में सुधार कर जल संसाधनों का अधिकतम उपयोग।
✅ किसानों को सस्ती ब्याज दरों पर ऋण उपलब्ध कराना, जिससे वे बेहतर तकनीक और संसाधनों में निवेश कर सकें।
सरकार को उम्मीद है कि इस योजना से 1.7 करोड़ किसानों को सीधा लाभ मिलेगा और उनकी आर्थिक स्थिति में सुधार होगा।
Key Focus Areas of the PM Dhan Dhanya Yojana
The initiative has been designed with five primary objectives to transform the agricultural landscape:
- Enhancing Productivity: Adoption of modern farming techniques, use of advanced equipment, and implementation of best agricultural practices to increase yield.
- Encouraging Crop Diversification: Promoting sustainable agricultural practices to ensure long-term benefits for farmers and reduce dependency on traditional crops.
- Developing Post-Harvest Storage Infrastructure: Setting up storage facilities at panchayat and block levels to prevent crop wastage and strengthen food security.
- Improving Irrigation Facilities: Expansion and modernization of irrigation infrastructure to maximize agricultural output and enhance water-use efficiency.
- Increasing Access to Credit: Simplifying loan processes and providing farmers with financial assistance to invest in better farming techniques and technology.
With these reforms, the government aims to benefit around 1.7 crore farmers, ensuring higher incomes and sustainable growth in the agricultural sector.
PM Dhan Dhanya Yojana and the Rural Prosperity and Resilience Program
Alongside the PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana, the government has introduced another initiative, the Rural Prosperity and Resilience Program, which focuses on tackling underemployment in agriculture. Implemented in partnership with state governments, this program emphasizes skilling, investment, and technology adoption to uplift rural communities.
“The Rural Prosperity and Resilience Program will provide employment opportunities in rural areas, reducing the need for migration to urban centers,” Sitharaman stated. The initiative will particularly benefit rural women, young farmers, small landholders, and landless families, ensuring financial stability and sustainable livelihoods.

Boosting Farmer Earnings Through PM Dhan Dhanya Yojana
One of the key highlights of the PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana is its focus on improving the production and procurement of essential pulses such as tur (arhar), urad, and masoor dal. To support farmers, the government will ensure procurement at fair prices under the Price Stabilization Fund (PSF) and Price Support Scheme (PSS).
- Farmers will no longer have to sell their crops at low prices, as the government has committed to purchasing all urad, arhar, and masoor pulses.
- This move is expected to boost pulse production, making India more self-sufficient in food production.
- By providing guaranteed procurement, farmers will have the confidence to increase their production and adopt better farming techniques.
Kisan Credit Card: Increased Lending Limit Under PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana
To ensure financial support for farmers, the government has increased the credit limit under the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 5 lakh.
- This enhancement is expected to benefit 7.07 crore farmers, providing them with easier access to loans.
- The financial assistance will enable farmers to invest in modern farming tools, better seeds, and improved irrigation techniques.
Promoting Fruits and Vegetable Production Under PM Dhan Dhanya Yojana
During the Union Budget 2025–2026, the Finance Minister also announced a comprehensive plan to increase fruits and vegetable production in India.
- The initiative will focus on boosting production levels and ensuring that fruits and vegetables are available at competitive prices.
- Farmers engaged in horticulture will receive financial aid and technological support to enhance their yields.
Conclusion: The Future of PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana
The launch of PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana and the Rural Prosperity and Resilience Program marks a significant step toward achieving sustainable and inclusive agricultural growth in India. By addressing key challenges such as low productivity, financial constraints, and post-harvest losses, the government aims to empower farmers and enhance rural prosperity.
As these initiatives roll out, they are expected to create a strong foundation for long-term agricultural sustainability, ensuring that India’s farming community experiences growth, stability, and financial security in the years to come.